andy: 2014年11月アーカイブ


A 3 km swim on Thursday. Almost all breast stroke. Endurance training for sure.

Night time rollers too.

A chance to ride outside on Friday. Beautiful weather. Some on the bike strength work.

More rollers at night.

Thursday's training:

Swim (3 km)

Rollers (50 mins)

Friday's training:

Road (Komura Pass, SFR, HR Z2, 45 km)

Rollers (75 mins)

Saturday: rest day

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This is what my training year will look like in terms of training hours.

These are not fixed, but serve as a guide.

This doesn't show intensity (measured as TSS). Intensity will be relatively low in the base weeks. Intensity will progressively increase during the build weeks.

Now I am in the prep phase. Zones 1 and 2. Some cross training. Some strength work too.

Tuesday's training: Run (45 mins Z2)

Wednesday's training:

Stepping machine Z2 (30 mins)

Strength training

  • Leg press x 200
  • Bench press x 60
  • Shoulder press x 30
  • Leg extension x 60

Stepping machine Z2 (50mins)

Rollers Z2 (70 mins)


During the winter I want to do mostly endurance training. Zone 2. In heart rate terms, that's 120〜145 bpm.

A group ride today. I set the time to meet Nishihiro san (540) and Hayakawa san and Adachi san (645) on a summer schedule.

In the dark. In the fog. 2 degrees.

A race to meet promised times has me in zone 3 for almost 90 minutes.

Two become four at Bunsui.

4th man, 3rd man in the zone at around 130 HR.

2nd man behind Adachi san. Still holding his form. Tapping out 40kmph. This drags me into zone 3. 150 HR plus.

Once on the front I can actually ease off. But it's difficult to recover when you are doing your pull.

Group rides are great and make the difference in the training year. But we need to be clearer on our shared objectives. Pre-ride communication is key.

Still a great training ride. All done before an 830 departure for a 2 day holiday in Toyama.

Monday's training: Road (95 km, 500 m climbing, 32 kmph)


Working with a coach I'm uploading all my training data to

I feel my mentality changing. No longer interested in kilometres or elevation gain.

When I had a power meter on the bike 2 weeks ago, I was only looking at power. I should be hooked up to power again early next year.

In the meantime I'm looking at HR and HR zones in particular. And the time spent training, the time spent resting.

This weeks training: Rollers, stepping, swimming, strength, road ....


3rd meeting with my coach on Wednesday. Each time we put more pieces of the puzzle together. We started with the corners. On Wednesday we completed the sides. Next it's time to start filling in the middle...

Annual training plan:

I made an annual hours estimate of 800 hours. Based on this estimate, the weekly hours would be quite high. We decided on a new figure of 700 annual hours.

We will use the hours in the training plan as a rough guide. We will look more closely at the TSS value. The TSS is a better guide as it combines intensity and duration.

Base and Build:

The hours allocated to base weeks increase each week.  This is increasing the volume at low intensity.

The hours allocated to the build weeks are constant for each week in the cycle. The intensity will be increased for the same volume of work each week.

Target races:

We agreed my 3 A races were good targets for me based on my abilities. They are also good from a motivational standpoint. These are 3 races that I can potentially win.

The races sit well together on the calendar. There is a nice build up to A1 and A2. Between A2 and A3, it is likely that we will be trying to maintain form.

Training races:

The training races are generally suited to my target A races. Uchinada and Maze fall on "rest" weeks now, so the schedule may need some tweaking.

For races which fall close to A races, we will analyze my form at that time and think about a strategy to make the race beneficial to the upcoming A race.

Race strategy:

Tokyo~Itoigawa is likely a TT effort.

Fuji and Motegi will require more strategy. These races need to be looked at in more detail.

Winter training:

Some of my training hours will be made up of cross training. I will wear a heart rate monitor for all activities including weights. I will do a 1000 m swim TT so we can estimate an intensity level for swimming.

In January and February, we may have to scale the hours down a little based on time availability and weather.

Most of my winter training will be in Zones 1 and 2.

Rollers are good for Z1 and 2 work. If higher intensity work is required I will use the road or a stationary trainer.

Types of training to meet my targets:

For the three types of races I have selected, our main objective is to increase FTP.

Exercises are likely to include:

  • Long efforts at 80 ~ 95% FTP
  • Shorter efforts at 105 ~ 110 % FTP.

Work on shorter duration efforts may also be important, particularly for the autumn races (to bridge a gap to a group, to get back on after a fuel stop etc.)

We envisage 2 hour training sessions of specific intervals. Complimented with low intensity riding.


We are particularly interested in the "cadence Vs power Vs. heart rate" relationship.  We hope to examine this relationship to achieve maximum performance.

We earmarked the following dates for FTP testing:

February 2nd

March 2nd

August 17th

October 12th

Recording data with training peaks:

In addition to the data I am recording now, I will record weight, sleep quality, sleep hours and overall "mood".

Power meter:

I have orderd the 4iiii crank based power meter. Delivery is scheduled for February 2015.

Next meeting:

We will discuss weekly details of the training and the prep phase.


If you'd have asked me a month ago (before working with a coach) what my strengths are as a cyclist, I would have said:

"I am an all rounder. I have good endurance. I can ride powerfully solo. I can also climb a bit for a big guy..."

Sure I know what kind of rider I am. But did I really take this into consideration in planning my training? In targeting races?

Last weeks power profile test told me this:

"You have a good threshold power and 5 minute power. Your sprinting and explosiveness is your weakness."

You can work on your weaknesses. Try to improve them. But perhaps there are more gains to be made from maximising your strengths.

My profile suits a steady state rider. A hill climber or a time trialist.

A hill climber?

I've had success in hill climbs past. Winning a few small races. Placing well in big races.

However, my weight at 75 kg is a big limiting factor.

If I (75 kg) climb at threshold 335 W (4.47 W/kg), my average competitor (60 kg) only has to push 270 watts. That's 65 watts out of the window right there.

My coach said "You should be looking at flat events. Where you can ride solo and at threshold. Maximise your advantage."

A time trialist?

I love time trialing. The race of truth. Aerobars on the front. A disc on the back.

However, I only have a road bike. My experience tells me "an excellent ride on a road bike will be beaten by a very good ride on a time trial machine". I've seen this in action at Uchinada. At the moment, a TT bike is not an option.

A normal TT?

A TT on a road bike. Like the "classic hour record". No aero equipment allowed. This appeals.

Time Trial Japan has a 3 stage event through the summer. It looks interesting. But the races are far away. And short in duration.

A 300 km time trial?

Haha! If only! Like Tokyo ~ Itoigawa! This is my baby!

But this is a unique event. With the exception of the Tour of Okinawa (too far away, too expensive). Most events over 100 km turn out to be a "sportive" non-competitive event. Difficult to get motivated for a training ride.

So I started to do some research. A 300 km race of Fuji Speedway! September. 300 km on a normal bike. Slick roads. Non stop. Most starters fail to meet the 9h cut off. My kind of race!

Now if I do that one, there is another one on the Motegi race circuit in November. A 7 h enduro.

An enduro can be difficult to motivate yourself for. But the competition looks good. And if I'm maximising my strengths....

So I find myself readjusting my training plan:

3 A races:

  • May - Tokyo~Itoigawa (310 km)
  • September - Fuji challenge 300 km
  • October - Motegi 7h

This is not final. A work in progress. I'll talk to my coach tonight. Ideas. Advice. Feedback. This is a real learning experience for me...


I've made the shift. Morning to night. Asaren to yoruren. Outdoor to indoor (well on the veranda at least).

Aerobike at the gym with Nishihiro san on Friday night. Mr. Hillclimb Murayama san's staple menu. 180 W building to 300W.

It's hot in the gym. And the pedaling is hard (non-calibrated machines?). A few beers together afterwards are the reward.

Saturday night rollers. My staple menu. Build to 150 HR and keep. 200 squats before jumping in the bath.

Asaren on Sunday. More rollers building up to 150 HR. Yoruren too. Mostly in zone 2 (endurance 120 ~ 145 HR).

Friday's training: stepping & aerobike (90 mins)

Saturday's training: Rollers (60 mins) & free squats 40 × 5 sets (200)

Sunday's training: Rollers x 2 (120 mins)


Just spent an hour skyping with my coach It's so interesting to have someone analyse your training and performance.

We talked about my power profile. Highlighting my strengths and weaknesses:

This is how the Power Profile looks based on 75 kg weight:

  • 20 min FTP 335 W = 4.47 W/KG very good, mid cat 2
  • 5 min 401 W = 5.3 W/KG very good mid cat 2
  • 1 min 606 W = 8 W/KG good low cat 3
  • 5 sec 888W = 11.8 W/KG fair cat 5 / non trained

Not a sprinter then! I don’t feel sprinting is a strong point, but I would like to test the 1 minute and 15 sec efforts again

We set down the power and heart rate zones which form the basis of a training plan:

1 Active Recovery 183 W (up to 119 HR)
2 Endurance 183 W to 250 W (120 to 145 HR)
3 Tempo 250 W to 300 W (146 to 164 HR)
4 Lactate Threshold 301 to 351 W (165 to 183 HR)
5 VO2 max 352 W to 400 W (184 +)
6 Anaerobic Capacity 402 + W
7 Neuromuscular Power

We talked about next year's annual training plan:

I need to think about how to match this more to my strengths. How to make performance improvement targets. Lots of things to think about and reassess!

Wednesday’s training: Road (105 km, 1,700 m climbing)


After determining my Functional Threshold Power, the next test is to determine my “Power Profile”.

What we want to determine are my “maximal power output” (W/kg) for intervals of 5 secs, 1 min and 5 mins.

This is the basic test procedure:

45 min - easy riding
3 × 1 min 110 rpm (1 min Rest Interval)
5 min (5 min RI) - FTP effort
1 min - all out
10 min - easy riding
5 min (10 min RI) - all out 30kmph~
1 min (5 min RI) - all out
1 min (5 min RI) - all out
2 × 15 sec (2 min RI) - hard sprint 25kmph ~
15 min - easy riding

Total: 2h+

Here are my field notes, recorded on the go, plus some power values from strava

weather: beautiful autumn day, autumn jersey, undervest, long finger gloves, shorts

condition: need to get to bed earlier!

time: mid afternoon

45 warm up

200 w for the latter part on the coast

110 rpm 1 min x3

15 mins easy

5 mins FTP pace - 335W target (strava 338 W)

traffic signal start
feels okay, difficult to hold the effort looking at “real time” and “30s av” watts
next time need lap power to hold a steady wattage

5 mins easy

“lap time” only from now – blind testing

1 min all out no.1 (strava 606 W)
speaker tower no.2 start, 50×11, out of the saddle for 15s, remainder in drops
up to speed
but dieing after 45s
can’t keep good form, slowing at the end
start next 1 min effort in 50 × 12

10 mins easy

5 mins all out (strava 401 W)
signal start, try to build up
before 2:30 is tough psychologically, 5 mins seems long
dry mouth
50×11 for last 2 mins, low cadence, grinding at the end, all out on the line

10 min recovery

1 min all out no.2 (strava 555 W)
speaker tower no.2 start, 50×12, slow up to speed, small time loss?
seated after 10s in the drops, into 50×11
try to pace the effort
feels steady, no kick at the end

5 mins easy

1 min all out no.3 (strava 510 W)
50×12 start, seated after 10s, 50×11
after 30s legs are dead, wind got stronger?
into 50×12 from 35s
lighter gear, higher cadence - what happens to power?

maybe no.2 was the best effort? (strava says effort no.1)

5 easy

15s all out no.1 (starva 737 W)
50×11 start, out of the saddle, on the hoods
real dirty pedalling!

2 mins easy

15 s all out no.2 (strava 650 W)
50×11, out of the saddle, on the hoods
over the front of the bike
try to use the upper body too

the 15 s intervals are the easiest of all today's tests

Extended cool down of 90 minutes at endurance pace

I uploaded the data to Strava but it will require more detailed analysis by my coach using Training Peaks.

Today's tests were a real learning experience. Performing well in tests can surely be transferred to performing well in race winning situations. I'm looking forward to building my power profile and hearing my coach's feedback.

Tuesday’s training: Power profile test (106 km)


I've never looked at my data too much. How long does it take me to climb that pass? Sure I look at that.

But really look at the data? Really look at it?

I uploaded my data from Saturday's FTP test to Training Peaks for my coach to take a look at. 17:24 at 360 W is as much as I looked at it. Waiting in anticipation for his feedback.

FTP value:

Ideally I would have done a 20 min TT and we would have set the 95% value as the FTP value. Due to the shorter test we dropped this to 93%.

  • FTP value = 335 W

More than the actual value, I'm interested in the comments on the test.


  • there were big variations in the power outputs at times
  • the HR was above 170 bpm for the duration (175 / 183 av/max) = my LTHR estimate of 170 HR is perhaps too low
  • the cadence vs power vs HR relationship - when I dropped my cadence from 85 to 80 at one point, my HR went down and my power increased = this is an area for further analysis & I need to reconsider my ideas of "optimum cadence" for flats (90 rpm), and climbing (80 rpm)
  • next time I should look at the meter and try to ride a steady 370W for a full 20 minutes

Basic training levels:

So 335 FTP and an esitmated 174 LTHR helps me to produce my power based training levels:

1 Active Recovery 183 W (up to 141 HR)
2 Endurance 183 W to 250 W (142 to 157 HR)
3 Tempo 250 W to 300 W (158 to 164 HR)
4 Lactate Threshold 301 to 351 W (165 to 174 HR)
5 VO2 max 352 W to 400 W (175 to 186 HR)
6 Anaerobic Capacity 402 + W
7 Neuromuscular Power

These values are the basis for my training program.

Tomorrow I will do some shorter, more intensive tests to get more data for my "power profile". Looking forward to it!

Sunday's training: Rollers (90 mins)

Monday's training: Road (45 km, 500 m climbing)


A second try of the FTP test today. Hayakawa san kindly lent me his powertap wheel while he is Okinawa.

With the advice of my coach I decided to do it on the road, on the flat and into the wind.

There is a nice stretch of road on the coast between Izumozaki and Terradomari.

No lights. Few cars. Mostly flat. Always windy.

We did a 20 minute TTT on this stretch a few weeks ago. Solo I should have road to spare.

My condition: A light week on the bike. More sleep would be nice (!). A bit of a dry cough.

Weather condition: Perfect. Slight head wind. Nice and cool. Long finger gloves, autumn jersey, base layer, shorts.

Time of day: Mid-afternoon (asaren cancelled as Mark woke up just as I had one foot out of the door...)

Warm up:

Tempo pace to the base of the power station climb (15 mins total).

Raise it a little on the climb: approx 300 W / 150 HR.

At the traffic light in Takahama (28 mins total)

  • 1 min hard x 1 min easy x 3

Easy to Izumozaki (20 mins, 40 mins total)

20 min TT:

Start at the traffic light in Izumozaki.

Careful not to go too hard too soon. Drop the gears gradually. In the 50 × 13 after 2 mins. Feels a little heavy. Up a gear. Drop it back after 5 mins.

Only looking at elapsed time. A perceived effort. A few gear changes for gradient and wind variations.

Feeling good. In the zone. But I'm running out of road! I'm entering Teradomari with time to spare.

38.8 kmph av solo into the wind!

I have to stop the clock at 17:24. I felt good. Better than good, I thought I had more to give in the last 2 minutes.

Still it was a nice steady effort.

According to Strava (lap 12) 360 W / 177 HR av.

What's next?

I hope this data is enough for my coach to estimate my FTP (functional threshold power). A 1 hour time trail determines this. So with a 20 min TT the numbers have to be tweaked and the actual FTP value will be somewhat lower.

This FTP value is the basis to determine power zones (similar in essence to HR zones). These power zones will form an essential part of my training plan.

Feels great to be training with renewed motivation and focus! More testing in a few days time...

Saturday's training: Road FTP power test (78 km, 400 m climbing)


As we enter November, the weather is a mixed bag. Glorious one day. Miserable the next.

It doesn't bother me really. If you get a chance to ride outside, take it. There won't be many when we enter the winter.

Rollers on Monday gradually increase the intensity.

A long ride on the road on Tuesday. One eye on another FTP test. Keep it easy.

Another easy ride on Wednesday. Just ticking off the miles.

Just a commute on Thursday.

On Friday I did a commute and a quick spin on the rollers. I've borrowed a powertap wheel from Hayakawa san. So I was keen to get a feel for what 150 W feels like, what 200 W feels like, what 300 W feels like...

I'll do another FTP test on the road tomorrow. And some more testing on the road next week.

Beyond that I'm looking forward to some cross training and strength work.

Monday's training: Rollers (90 mins)

Tuesday's training: Road (100 km)

Wednesday's training: Road (60 km)

Thursday's training: Road (35 km)

Friday's training: Road (8 km) Rollers (40 mins)


Functional Threshold Power test on Sunday.

Next year I want to use power in my training for the first time.

The first step is to determine your power zones. Similar to heart rate, if you determine your output (in this case power) at lactate threshold, you can determine your training zones.

The HR and power tests are pretty much the same. Measure your average value over a 20 minute interval.

I've done tests like this for HR on the road and rollers before. It's important to control the variables, so that you can replicate the same test again. Even more so for power.

I set up the bike on an Elite fluid trainer at Enosan's shop. Fan. Towels. Drinks. Music.

Ready to go.

Warm up

The warm up is very important. It needs to be planned too, so that you can replicate it in future tests.

The first time on this machine. I did a pretty shoddy warm up. Stopping a few times to get everything set up right. Shoe straps. Computer, Towels. A pee...

I know form experience that the slightest annoyance is multiplied during a hard TT effort.

20 min TT

The first ever FTP test. Motivation is high. I go too hard from the start.

On my coach's advice, I'm doing the test blind. Just looking at time elapsed.

If you aim for a certain power, certain HR or certain speed, then it's not really a test at all.

The first two minutes feel great. But I realise I've gone too hard too soon. I'm really suffering.

Even Underworld can't help me...

I start doing the math. Never a good sign. 4 mins = 1/5 of the way, 5 mins = 1/4 of the way...

I have a wide range "hill climb cassette" on the trainer. It' difficult to find the sweet spot. One gear is too heavy. The next gear up is too light...

At the 1/2 way point I don't think I can sustain the effort. I say to Enosan "I think I should stop?". He gives me the nod.

Best to do it properly.

I averaged 420 watts for the 10 minute interval.

elite ftp test nov 2 2014 (10 min fail).csv

Looking at the data I was way too excited at the start. After that I did a pretty constant effort. But I didn't think I could hold it for 20 minutes.

Good values. But for the training plan I need a 20 minute effort.

Take two

I plan to do some base level riding this week. Rest on Thursday. Repeat the test on Friday.


  • A structured warm up, including 3 short hard efforts
  • My 11~25 road cassette
  • Try to find a sweet spot during the warm up - 400 W, 95 cadence (do the test blind)
  • Ease into the TT effort. Try to build after a few minutes
  • Louder music!

今年のシーズンが終わりました。楽しい練習ができました。そしてレースリザルトもなかなか良かったです。来年のトレーニングはこれからスタートします。初めて コーチング をしてもらうことになりました。どこまで行けるかな?楽しみにしています。がんばるじょんのび!

My cycling season has finished this year. I really enjoyed my training and had some successful races. Next year's training starts here. I want to take it to the next level. I will work with a coach for the first time. I'm really motivated and excited to see how far he can take me!

Saturday: rest day

Sunday: FTP power test



前のアーカイブはandy: 2014年10月です。

次のアーカイブはandy: 2014年12月です。





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