andy: 2009年12月アーカイブ


Light Spinning Fifty: 5 minutes x 120 cadence x 10 sets (50 minutes)


Lost Souls Forever - Come on it, get on it, I'm carving thru a letter bomb, I need it, like potions, These beers are just an hour away

Musical motivation – LSF Kasabian

Beer time じょんのび!  Happy New Year!

Today’s course: CSEnosan ~ Takayanagi ~ Isonobe (X) ~ Matsudai ~ R353 じょんのびrollercoaster ~ Ishiguro ~ Nota ~ Kashiwazaki (70km, 1000m climbing)


Isonobe ~ NG じょんのび!


Shibatoge – view of Mount Kurohime


R353 じょんのびrollercoaster – open 365 days a year!

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① 身のトレーニングになります
② スタミナアップと呼吸のトレーニングになります
③ 体のダメージはゼロです

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① 短い時間にいいトレーニングができます
②core trainingがいいと思います。



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一週間自転車の道具がなかったけどスイムショーツとシュノーケルだけでいいトレーニングができたと思います。でもいつもと同じでクリスマスにちょっと太っりました。これからwinter training を頑張りたいと思います。がんばるじょんのび!

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This Christmas we went to Saipan. It was great. The hotel was sat right on a beautiful quiet beach. Luke’s first trip abroad!Luke’s first time in the sea!Fantastic じょんのび!

Christmas is only December 25th but we spent every day like Christmas. I ate too much, drank too much, one week all out じょんのび!

But I also got some training in!Every day I did a swim in the morning and a run in the afternoon.


Every morning I did an hour long swim. Using A snorkel I enjoyed watching the fish as I swam along(sharks!manta rays!). I’m not so good at crawl but I feel like I could swim breaststroke all day long. Every day I swam the same 1 hour course.

The good things about swimming are:
① it’s a full body workout
②it’s good training for stamina and breathing technique
③there is little muscle ache or fatigue afterwards


Every day I also did a 45 minute run in the afternoon. I did the same course along the beach each day. To run bare foot along the water’s edge felt fantastic じょんのび!After the run it was great to dive straight into the sea to cool down.

The good points about running are:
①In a short amount of time you can get really good training in
②I think it’s pretty good core training

The bad point about running is:
① Damage じょんのび!

I don’t think my running form is all that great. I always seem to get sore calves after running (I guess that’s because they’re not so important for cycling). Running barefoot also gives me blisters. Even with running shoes I seem to get blisters in other areas.
Maybe if I ran more it would become less painful???

I was without my bike and the equipment that goes with it for over a week, but with just a pair of swimming shorts and a snorkel, I think I got some decent training in. But like every Christmas I still put on quite a bit of weight. I’ll be getting back into some serious winter training from now on. I’ll do my best じょんのび!


round one - Andy Vs Tazaki (0-1)


round two - Kitano Vs Tazaki (0-2)



Today's trainer workout:

① 5分ウォームアップ
② 10分ハイケーデンス
③ 12分1 LEG INTERVALS、3セット:(1分左足、1分両方の足、1分右足、1分両方の足)
④ 40分位CRUISE INTERVALS 6セット:(6分ハートレートゾーン4で90~95ケーデンス / 2分ゆっくり走る)
⑤ 5分ウォームダウン


pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, PUSH

Today's trainer workout:

① 5 minutes warm up
② 10 minutes high cadence
③ 12 minutes 1 LEG INTERVALS、3 sets:(1minute left leg、1 minute both legs、1 minute right leg、1 minute both legs)
④ 40 minutes CRUISE INTERVALS 6 sets:(6 minutes in HR Zone 4 with a cadence of 90 to 95 / 2 minutes ride easy)
⑤ 5 minutes warm down

Musical motivation: underworld's beaucoup fish trainer music – the original and the best


Luke wrapped up for the cold outside



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one legged squats with dumbbells


毎回upper, lower, core, 全体をトレーニングします。アップのために、お風呂に入ります(ルークと一緒に)。ダウンのためにまたお風呂に入ります。ダブルじょんのび!



shoulder press with dumbbells

Today was a weight training day. For the last two years, I’ve done winter weight training down at the gym. This year I don’t have as much time, so every other day I do an hour at home. Today was the 23rd workout of this off-season.

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At the gym it’s easy to train as there are lots of machines and you can use heavy weights. However, if you just have a set of dumbbells, you can do a decent workout at home.

Each time I make sure to address my upper, lower and core for a full body workout. To warm up I share a bath with Luke. To warm down I jump back in the bath. Double じょんのび!

When it’s snowing outside, training at home is great じょんのび!

lights.JPG the view from the balcony



Today’s trainer work out:

①warm up 5分
②120以上のケイデンス 20分
③140~170HR クリスクロス (90ケイデンス) 20分
④CRUISE INTERVAL (ハートレートゾーン4で90~95ケーデンス) 20分
⑤warm down 5分

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cold on the balcony - arm warmers and leg warmers required

Recently I’ve been alternating between a day on the rollers and a day weight training. Today was a roller day.

Today’s trainer work out:

① warm up for 5 minutes
② 120plus cadence for 20 minutes
③ 140~170HR crisscross for 20 minutes (90 cadence)
CRUISE INTERVAL (HR Zone 4 with a cadence of 90 to 95) 20 minutes
⑤ warm down for 5 minutes

Musical motivation: arcade fire and David Bowie じょんのび!


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Luke's first snow


winter cross training - anyone for tennis?


weight training workout no.22 musical motivation Bad Lieutenant Suzuoto, ありがとうじょんのび!

snowcoun.JPG snow on the road between Betsumata and Sabaishi - only Tazaki san rides in weather like this!

winter crosstraining - judo じょんのび!


45 minutes on the balcony

Today’s trainer work out:

①warm up 5分
②120以上のケイデンス 10分
③140~170HR クリスクロス 25分 (90ケイデンス)
④warm down 5分

Today’s trainer work out:

① warm up for 5 minutes
② 120 plus cadence for 10 minutes
③ 140~170HR crisscross for 25minutes (90 cadence)
④ warm down for 5 minutes

Musical motivation: New Order – everything's gone white…

AM Kashiwazaki~Nota~Ukawa~Ishiguro~Takayanagi (35km, Sunny, 2C)
PM Takayanagi~Ishiguro~Ukawa~Nota~Kashiwazaki (35km, Rainy, 2C)

Winter じょんのび!


winter weather - 2C above Ukawa


winter gasoline - hot coffee and chocolate

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Kadoide village - winter starts here


winter wear - keeping warm in the tunnel above Ukawa


コース:柏崎~野田~中山峠~桜坂峠~尾神岳~吉川町~小村峠~柏崎 (73キロ、1100m登り)


the foot of Komura Pass from Yoshikawa town

中山峠で北野さんの後ろを走りました。180、181、 182、183、ハートレートがどんどん上がりました。自転車のオールアウトは二つのパターンがあります。一つは心肺機能のオールアウトでもう一つは足のオールアウトです。でも今日は心がオールアウトでした。北野さんはがんばって走って、足が痛かったそうです。さすが12月にピーキング北野さん!



banana time at the take off point on Ogami Dake




Mt. Yoneyama viewed from Ogami Dake




Ogami Dake - off season for paragliders too

Today may have been the last ride of 2009. Today I rode together with this year’s Ace Training Partner Kitano san. It was probably our last ride of 2009, the wind was strong, Kitano san is peaking in December (!), so we headed into the hills.

Course:Kashiwazaki~Nota~Nakayama Pass~Sakurazaka Pass~Ogami Dake~Yoshikawa town~Komura Pass~Kashiwazaki (73km、1100m climbing)


cross training down the park with Ibuki and Luke

On Nakayama Pass I rode behind Kitano san. 180、181、 182、183、my heart rate rose and rose. On the bike you can end up being “all out” in two ways, Either the heart and lungs can’t take it anymore or your legs can’t take it anymore. In my case, my heart was saying no more. Kitano san was riding really hard and apparently his legs were giving up on him. What do you expect from a guy who peaks in December!?

Sakurazaka Pass and Komura Pass are already closed before the snows arrive. We took care climbing Sakurazaka Pass. Even still, my heart rate was buzzing along at the 170 mark. It just shows how by raising your heart race once in a hard effort, you can raise it quite easily on the following climbs.

The approach to Ogami Dake from Sakurazaka Pass is the easiest approach.  However, if there are 2 or more of you, it makes for really good training. Again my heart rate was hovering around the 170 mark. Towards the end of the climb we pushed harder and I watched my heart rate go over 180 again.

The descent was really cold so we went quite hard on the flats around Yoshikawa to get warm again.

The last climb was Komura Pass. On the climb Kitano san attacked! I’m still getting used to the different riding style of compact cranks but somehow I managed to get back onto his wheel. Attack number 2! Somehow I got back on. Attack number 3! He must have been thinking this is the last battle of the year! Somehow I got back on! Kitano san started to check behind to see if I was there or not! Last 300m! I’ve gotta go じょんのび!Andy attack!Big chain ring!All Out じょんのび!

Whenever we ride together, it’s always dramatic like that. Kitano san thank you for some fantastic training this year! Let’s enjoy training together next year too!

Kashiwazaki-Takayanagi-Kadoide-Isonobe-Nota-Kashiwazaki (75km)


morning mist in Takayanagi

昨日CS ENOSANでコンパクトクランクのフィッティングをしました。エノサン、いつもありがとうじょんのび!



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always the same picture

Yesterday I got my new compact cranks fitted at CS ENOSAN. Enosan, thank you じょんのび!

Today I tried the cranks out for the first time. If you’re using compact cranks, head for Takayanagi!

Today I had 50/34 on the front and 12~25 on the rear.


near the top of Isonobe

On the flats:

I found it a little difficult to raise my cadence and speed. The difference in pedaling circles felt quite strange. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it!

On the climbs:

This is where compacts come into their own! Keeping a cadence of 80, I could use a wider variety of gears than normal and could hold that cadence even on the steepest sections.

On the descents:

I found my self in the biggest gear quite a few times. I’m used to using a 53X12. Perhaps 50X12 isn’t big enough. I hope to give a 50X11 a try.

Well, I’m looking forward to next year’s hill climb races じょんのび!

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workout no. 19: one leg squats > shoulder press > biceps curls > squats > heel raises > side raises > abdominal crunches > prone cobras > front raises

dry 55

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Kashiwazaki~Takayanagi~Nota~Kashiwazaki (55km)


Sabaishi River on R252


racing along R252


R252 is not the prettiest road to Takayanagi, but it's the fastest!


R25 above Sabaishi


bathtime じょんのび!

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new compact cranks from America - great price


heart rate zone labels set on the top tube for trainer workouts

Today's trainer workout:

· 5分ウォームアップ
· 10分ハイケーデンス
· 40分位CRUISE INTERVALS 6セット:(6分ハートレートゾーン4で90~95ケーデンス / 2分ゆっくり走る) 165 TARGET HR
· 5分ウォームダウン

Today's trainer workout:

· 5 minutes warm up
· 10 minutes high cadence
· 40 minutes CRUISE INTERVALS 6 sets:(6 minutes in HR Zone 4 with a cadence of 90 to 95 / 2 minutes ride easy) 165 TARGET HR
· 5 minutes warm down

Musical motivation: Modest Mouse we've got everything.....

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April 19th - Tour of Kusatsu – Champion Class – 3rd
April 26th - Japan Tour ST1, Gunma CSC – TR Class – DNF
May 23rd - Tokyo ~ Itoigawa Classic – 1st
June 14th – Japan Tour Stage 2, Tsugaike – 1st stage 54th , 2nd stage 88th (Overall 77th )
June 28th – Tour of Utsukushigahara - Champion Class – 16th
July 19th – Otari Onsen hill climb – Age Class – 1st
August 2nd – Yunotani hill climb – Champion Class – 10th (?)
September 20th – Yahiko hill climb - Champion Class – 6th
October 25th – Japan Cup – Open Race – DNF(?)

In 2008 last year, I entered 20 races. I think I rode consistently throughout the year, putting in my best ride at Tokyo-Itoigawa in May and riding well if not spectacular in the summer and autumn Jistugyodan races (Ishikawa, Ogawa, Iida, Noto). It’s often said that the best training for racing is racing. Last year I rode best when races were close together.

This year I entered 9 races. I started well at Kusatsu and had another 1st at Tokyo~Itoigawa. The highlight of the year was of course the birth of Luke in May. I kept up the training (about half the volume of last year) but lost form when I spent a month entertaining family in the summer. All out じょんのび!  This hit home with my worst ride on a bike at Yunotani. After winning the age class in 2005 (last time I entered), to end up walking (this time) was a bit of a shock! I gradually pulled my form back towards the end of the year but without racing it’s hard to get the race fitness required for the odd race here and there. CATCH22 じょんのび! I tried to simulate racing with intervals and motor pacing. This is something I hope to focus on more next year.

This year I chopped and changed my racing schedule and didn’t really know which races I would do from one month to the next. Next year I want to plan my schedule in advance and stick to it. That way I can focus on specific events and try to peak for those. がんばるじょんのび!

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去年 2008 は20のレースに参加しました。一年間コンスタントに走りました。ベストライドは5月のTokyo-Itoigawaでした。それから、夏と秋の実業団レースも良かったと思います(Ishikawa, Ogawa, Iida, Noto)。「レースのための一番良いトレーニングはレースにでることだ」言われますが、確かに去年レースが続いた時はいい走りができました。

今年(2009年)は9回レースに参加しました。最初の草津とTokyo~Itoigawaは良い走りができました。もちろん今年のハイライトはルークくんが生まれたことですが、トレーニングは続けました(2008年の半分くらい)。でも夏に一ヶ月くらいイギリスから家族が遊びに来た時にはトレーニングしなかったので、フォームが落ちました。オールアウトじょんのび!夏のYunotaniは今までで一番大変なレースでした。前回2005年に参加したときにはAge classで優勝しました。今回レース中に歩くことになって、とてもショックでした!その後また練習をがんばって、調子が上がりました。でもあんまりレースしないとレースフィットになるのは難しいです。CATCH22 じょんのび!レースシミュレーションをするためにインターバルトレーニング、モーターペーシング などやってみました。来年のトレーニングでもっとやりたいと思います。


LSD? VHT! Very Hard Training! Strong winds, Ups and Downs, 120km? All Out じょんのび!

Tazaki san's report


fighting through the wind: the Kashiwazaki~Teradomari Kitano Shinkansen

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stand and deliver your money or your bikes!  Tazaki and the Ants

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lost in the mountains: the magical mystery tour

wet 55

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Kashiwazaki~Nota~Ishiguro~Takayanagi~Kashiwazaki (55km, 400m climbing, 31kmph, 1100kcal)


rain on the climb up to Ukawa


Problem: steep sections like this!

When I ride with Andrew, he often comments that I have high cadence when I’m climbing. I like to spin at a cadence that doesn’t feel to heavy, usually around the 80~85 mark.

With my current gear set up (38 × 27 as the lightest gear) I can usually do this quite comfortably. However on the steeper climbs it’s difficult to achieve this cadence. The other weekend on Ogami Dake, I watched Tazaki san spin away while I struggled with a cadence of around 65.

As a heavy rider who rarely gets out of the saddle, I think that my weakness is the steeper sections of a climb. In a race, this is often the point on the course where the race is decided.

For this reason, I’ve decided to give compact cranks a try! I’ll let you know how I get on……


Solution: compact crank?





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Today’s trainer work out:

①warm up 5分
②120以上のケイデンス 20分
③140~170HR クリスクロス 20分 (90ケイデンス)
④20分位CRUISE INTERVALS (ハートレートゾーン4で90~95ケーデンス)
⑤warm down 5分

Today’s trainer work out:

① warm up for 5 minutes
② 120plus cadence for 20 minutes
③ 140~170HR crisscross for 20minutes (90 cadence)
④ 20 minutes CRUISE INTERVALS (HR Zone 4 with a cadence of 90 to 95)
⑤ warm down for 5 minutes

Musical motivation: Teenage Fanclub – perfect for cruising too…



前のアーカイブはandy: 2009年11月です。

次のアーカイブはandy: 2010年1月です。





じょんのびtime ホームページ

サントリー ホームページ

じょんのびtime スケジュール
