andy: 2008年4月アーカイブ

yahiko HR data.doc


Recently the weather is great isn’t it! Spring is the best time for cycling!

Yesterday I rode up both Yahiko skylines. The training can be seen in the graph above.

The first climb was interval training. For the second climb, I kept my HR at 170 for 20 minutes.
I've been feeling good on the bike recently so next time I go to Yahiko I want to try to beat my best time. I'll do my best!

pack.jpgposition.jpgmoving up.jpgworse.jpg
僕の体 ← ビール!
自転車← エノサンよろしくお願いします!


On Sunday I took part in another race held on the Gunma CSC course. Sunday’s race was a Jitsugyodan road race. The BR2 class race was 12 laps, 72km. There were 171 starters which is a lot on such a tight course.
In Jitsugyodan races it’s important to take up a good position from the very start. If you don’t ride near the front, it’s easy to fall off the back and end up with “DNF” next to your name. However, just about every other rider is thinking this which makes for difficult racing. During the race I witnessed about 5 crashes!

I managed to stay within about the top 30 riders until the 12th and final lap. As we entered the final lap、I began to work my way up to the front. I rode hard to keep myself in the top ten front riders so I would be in good position for what I was expecting would turn out to be a goal sprint. However, just before we entered the final climb, someone came down right in front of me! I had nowhere to escape, so I ended up piling into him! I damaged my front wheel and rear derailleur but I could just about get the bike to roll to the finish.

How to fix:
My body – beer!
My bike – Enosan please help me!

During the race I kept thinking how difficult it is to ride in a big pack like that. I want to add more group riding into my training. じょんのびTIME guys, help me out!

Here comes the pack
Holding position
Working my way to the front
Things could be worse!

start.jpgkeeping 6.jpgleading 3b.jpggoal.jpg



チームプランは2点がありました。① 1周目6人がバラバラにならないようにスピードに気をつけ、イーブンペースで走ります。② 2周目は調子がいい選手は3人以上で頑張って走ります!



On Saturday I took part in the Jitsugyodan Team Time Trial. We had 6 starters on our team. The TT time was determined by the 3rd person’s time over the line. The course was 2 laps, 12km up and down, of the Cycle Sports Centre in Gunma.

Saturday was heavy rain, so we had to ride with care on what is quite a technical course.

Our team plan consisted of 2 things. 1 – in order to keep the 6 man group together for the first lap, don’t go too hard and avoid sudden increases and decreases in pace. 2 – the 3+ strongest riders go hell for leather on the second and final lap!

Keeping to the plan, we kept the group together on the first lap and rode the second lap as a 3 man group. I rode hard using my Vitus bike and aerobars for the first time in a while.

The team came out winners, so we were all really happy!

That was my first team TT and I really enjoyed it, so I’d like to take part in some more.

Lining up at the start
Keeping the 6 together
Leading out the top 3 into the second lap
Driving for the finish line

polar_s720_05_m.jpgyatsugatake HR data.doc kusatsu HR data.doc

I have been using a heart rate monitor for a few years now. In the past I didn’t use it much more than for recording maximum and average HR during exercise.

This year I have started to realize the HRM’s true potential. Polar software can be used to analyze HR, speed, cadence, altitude etc. By comparing these parameters, it is possible to analyze your training rides and races.

The above is the data from my last 2 races (you can open the graphs copied into word by clicking on them):

  • Tour of Yatsugatake
  • Tour of Kusatsu

Yatsugatake Analysis

At Yatsugatake, the climb is relatively long (25km) and not too steep, with some flatter sections in the middle and steeper sections towards the end(red line). Changes in speed tend to follow an easing of the gradient (blue line). The highest speeds are seen near the start (riding in the group), around the middle (through the flat sections) and near the end (short downhill before the road rises up to the finish). By changing gearing I could keep a relatively steady cadence at around 80rpm (green line). This year I feel that I am riding at a lower cadence with slightly heavier gearing than last year. Maybe this is a positive effect of winter strength training.

The heart rate line is the most interesting (dark red line). Similar to the data for speed, HR goes high early in the race when I tried to keep with the leaders and dips can be observed corresponding to flatter and downhill sections.

I have determined my heart rate zones, which can be seen in the background. The uppermost pinkish zone is the 5C anaerobic zone and involves rapid lactate build up. Exercise in this zone is not possible for a long period of time. The narrow red and green zones below this are zones 5B (aerobic capacity) and 5A (superthreshold). In these zones, which are above the lactate threshold, there is a slower rate of lactate build up. In theory, you can work in this zone for about an hour. In a race like Yatsugatake (just over an hour long) 5B and C form what is effectively the “race zone”.

At Yatsugatake, I went too hard too early. By trying to keep up with the lead group I forced myself into the red zone. After this point I found it hard to find a good rhythm and suffered with cramps. This no doubt slowed me down for a while as I tried to recover. As we got into the flatter sections about half way up, I felt recovered and rode at my own pace in the “race zone”. It’s hard to say but I think I could have rode better by keeping in the race zone. I went past Yoneyama san of Ravanello while going hard early on, only for him to come past me later on when I was suffering. Maybe he was paying more attention to his HR! I’ll ask him at the weekend!

Kusatsu Analysis

Kusatsu is shorter (12km) and less steep. I made an effort to stay in the race zone this time. This can be difficult as you are dictated by the pace of the riders around you, but you can help to keep you HR down by finding a good position in the pack, riding at a good cadence and trying to relax. As the race broke up, I was isolated and so had to go hard to try to keep a gap from two following riders. There are a couple of times when I went into the red but I managed to stay mostly in the “race zone”. Once I was caught by the two riders towards the finish, I took the chance to draft and recover. This can be seen in the lowering of the HR into the light green/yellow aerobic zones. Interestingly, speed also drops at this point. Later I made the mistake of sprinting too early. This can be seen in the spike in the blue speed line and followed by the HR line. Ideally this spike should correspond with the finish line. Unfortunately my timing was wrong! That one big dive into the red meant that it was impossible for me to keep with the other two guys and fight it out for 3rd. I’ll know better next time!

Again cadence was steady around the 80 rpm mark (green line). My one concern from this race is the general decrease in speed as the race progresses (blue line). Maybe the gradient increases further up the hill but I want to keep my speed for longer periods. After this weekend’s race at Gunma, I want to try to get some longer climbs (1 hour or so) into my training. I’ll do my best!

Thanks Adam showing me through the software. I know Analogue Andy still has lots to learn!!!!

footbath.jpgstart line.jpgparade.jpgswitches.jpgthe pack.jpgup close.jpgenosan 2.jpgceremony.jpgtop 6.jpgfight.jpg













Last weekend, I went to Kusatsu hill climb. Kusatsu is a hot spring town in Gunma prefecture. The day before the race, we enjoyed sightseeing, taking onsen and drinking beer – we made a good stay of it!

The Tour of Kusatsu is 18km long and made up of a parade through the old town and a hill climb race. This year about 1,800 people took part. Kusatsu town, where the race starts, is at a height of about 1,300m, so it’s still cold at this time of year!

First was the parade through the town. It was the best parade I’ve had the pleasure to take part in. The narrow, winding and steep roads cut through the old town with lots of people cheering by the sides of the road. It was great – you could almost feel as if you were riding in a Belgian classic.

After the parade we stopped once before commencing the race proper. The hill climb is about 13km long with an average grade of about 6%. Before the race I was thinking that I need to be careful not to go too hard too early, which was my mistake last week at Yatsugatake.

We rode at a good pace from the start and by the time we had reached the first drinks zone, the top group had thinned out to about 7 riders. It was here that Adam made his attack, breaking away from the group.

Adam made a gap. I made efforts to ride with another great climber Hatanaka san. We rode together breaking away from the other riders. It was Adam up front and then the two of us following.

Hatanaka san asked me to work with him to get back up to Adam. I really wanted to and really tried to, but I just couldn’t do it! Hatanaka san managed to get up to Adam all by himself which I thought was fantastic!

The race stayed like that for some time with me riding alone in third. However, I was aware of 2 guys chasing behind and getting gradually closer. They closed the gap to me with about 3km to go. I took the chance to draft behind them and recover a little. At the “1km to go” sign, one guy started to sprint. I thought it was too early but as I didn’t know the course, I started to sprint too. But… it was too early! The two guys seemed to be okay and kept going for the line. I’d used all the gas I had so could only watch them fight it out for the line.

I was a little disappointed by that but I’m happy to get 5th. The time was 36 minutes and I was pleased to hear that it would have been a winning time last year.


Adam came in 1st and broke the course record! Great job! Let’s get him in a じょんのびTIME jersey soon!

Next Sunday is the “Jitsugyodan Cup” at Gunma Cycle Sports Centre. I’ll do my best!


Foot bath and beers on Saturday
Start line
Parade through the town
Hill climb course
The pack are coming
The pack up close
Go Enosan!
Awards ceremony
Top 6
Champagne fight!

1/2 Sunday – race – Yatsugatake hill climb (Kitano san / Ogawa san)
3 Monday - active recovery – flat roads, calm sea
4 Tuesday – LT hill climb practice – peaceful Isonobe
5 Wednesday – rest, beer and cherry blossom - Akasakayama Park’s Hanami
6 Thursday – hill climb intervals – rainy Yahiko skyline
7 Friday – easy spin - Kusatsu hill climb equipment check

8 problem for an old man on a shopping bike!!!!!!!!!

kitano a.jpgogawa b.jpgmonday.jpgtuesday's isonobe.jpgwed hanami.jpgthursday.jpgfriday.jpganyone.jpg

The first race of the season finally came! It’s great to be racing again!

Yatsugatake is a 25km hill climb race. It’s not too steep but the length makes it a hard race. The race seems to get bigger each year. This year there was about 1000 starters and the Champion class was really strong with the usual hill climb specialists plus members of Matrix and Ravanello.

Adam and I warmed up away from the start. We did a good warm up, so I’ll put it up on the blog soon.

The start was quite slow but as the gradient picked up, so did the pace. I went hard to keep up in the first few kilometers. Adam was driving the pace on the front, so people were falling off the back. I was pleased to pass some big names!

After the first few kilometers of overdoing it I just had to ride at a steady pace to make sure I could get to the top. I was with suffering with cramps (I always do in this race – it’s a real shock to the body) but managed to ride through it.

I finished in 12th which was okay for my first race this year. I was about 2 and a half minutes faster than last year too which is a good sign.


2007 10th 1:10:08 21.38km/h
2008 12th 1:07:31 22.21km/h

I want to keep the training going and hope I can ride well at Kusatsu this Sunday.

I’ll do my best!



静かな所を見つけて、アダムさんと一緒にwarming upをしました。なかなかいいwarming upができたので今度説明をブログにアップをしたいと思います。






2007 10th 1:10:08 21.38km/h
2008 12th 1:07:31 22.21km/h



1 Mt. Yatsugatake
2 Signing in with Adam
3 The start line
4 Approaching the finish
5 My bum hurts! (おしりが痛い!!)
6 Job done!

GiroCipollini.jpg 日本には“どっきりカメラ”という番組がありますね!イギリスにも“CANDID CAMERA”という番組がありますがイタリアにも同じ番組があります!これを見てください!

candid camera

CIPPOLLINIは“キャンピングカーの人たちにチームバイクを盗まれた!”と思っています。 とても面白いです!

明日八ヶ岳の話をします。Enosan, Murayama san, Kitano san, Ogawa san, お疲れさまでした!



2006年 (8月) 20分22秒
2007年 (6月) 18分37秒  (HR AV 167 / HR MAX 181)
今日 18分49秒 (HR AV 177 / HR MAX 187)

今日はベストタイムを切れそうだったのに惜しかった!去年の4月にチェックした時には 21分くらいかかっていたので今日のタイムは良かったと思います。


Last week I rode from the bottom to the top of Yahiko skyline in “race mode”. Today I checked my time on Isonobe in a similar fashion.

Best times:
2006 (August) 20m22s
2007 (June) 18m37s (HR AV 167 / HR MAX 181)
Today 18m49s (HR AV 177 / HR MAX 187)

I was close to getting my best time today! When I checked my time in April last year, I climbed in around 21 mins, so I think today's time was good.

This weekend I'll go to Yatsugatake Hill Climb. This year my hill climb training has been limited to short courses but I'll go and give it my best shot!

Photos: spot the difference – Lance’s face climbing Luz Ardiden July 2004 / my face at the top of Isonobe April 2008!

recovery1.jpg recovery2.jpg


1 rest
2 active recovery

昨日は2番のactive recoveryをしました。軽い運動で回復を助けるというものです。自転車なら1~2時間フラットなコースを走ります。ギアはフロントのインナー、ケーデンスは高く、心拍数は低くします。昨日は1時間に100bpmくらいの心拍数で走りました。その後ストレッチをして、お風呂に入って、とても気持いいになりました。

以前はハードトレーニングばかりしていましたが、今年からは体と相談してactive recoveryも取り入れていきたいです。


Everyone who took part in Sunday’s じょんのび group ride, were you feeling it yesterday? Training in the hills can be pretty tough eh! I've been riding lots recently, so I'm feeling a little tired.

When you are tired, you have the 2 choices:
1 rest
2 active recovery

Yesterday I opted for No.2 active recovery. Basically, if you do light exercise, you can help your body to recover. On the bike this means riding on the flats for an hour or two. You should ride in the small chain ring, keeping cadence high and heart rate low. Yesterday I rode for an hour, keeping my HR at about 100bpm. After that I took time to stretch and take a hot bath, which left me feeling really good.

Previously I used to ride hard all the time. This year I want to listen to my body and include active recovery in my training.

I'll do my best!

Photos: long flat recovery road / cherry blossom beginning to bloom




  1. Start at CS enosan
  2. Yokota san and Masaki san lead the way
  3. Here come Tsuchiya san and Kitano san
  4. じょんのび peleton
  5. なだれ注意
  6. Clear road up Isonobe
  7. Isonobe, almost there
  8. Looking down from Isonobe


Today was perfect weather for cycling. I rode up Yahiko skyline with Masaki and Andrew. Tomorrow looks like good weather too. I’m really looking forward to the じょんのび group ride!!!!



  • Blue sky at the summit
  • Here comes Andrew
  • Here comes Masaki
  • じょんのび new boys!
  • Post ride lunch (vegetable pasta, edamame and manju!)
hill climb test 1.jpghill climb test 2.jpg



2006年 (7月) 19分06秒
2007年 (7月) 20分01秒
今日 19分55秒





This year I rode up Yahiko skyline for the first time on March 15th. Since then I've been climbing it trying different types of training.

Today was the first time this year to ride from the bottom to the top in“race mode”. Since 2 years ago I've been keeping time checks from the gate at the bottom to the road's summit on the “steep side”.

Best times:
2006 (Jul) 19m05s
2007 (Jul) 20m01s
Today     19m55s

When I checked my times in March and April last year, I climbed in around 21mins, so I'm happy about today's time. Also on the “steep side”, I usually have to pretty much stay in the easiest gear. However, today I shifted up in quite a few places. I'm happy about that too.

I'll be taking part in quite a few hill climb races this year so I'll keep working on the jyonnobi diet and the hill climb practice.

I'll do my best!

By the way, じょんのびTIME's Andrew has climbed the same course in 18mins! Now that's fast!

Photos: Yahiko today / preparing for a festival in Nozumi





Today the wind was really strong wasn’t it! I did my best to ride out to Yahiko and climb both skylines. On the first climb I tried some interval training.

Interval training consists of “work” (hard pedaling) and “rest”(easy pedaling) intervals. Today I did 7 sets of 90 second work intervals followed by 180 seconds rest intervals.

It was pretty tough training. This year I want to try lots of different types of training.

I’ll do my best!

Tsuchiya, do you get it!?!?

Photo: Yahiko skylines



前のアーカイブはandy: 2008年3月です。

次のアーカイブはandy: 2008年5月です。





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