planning a training week, build 1 week 1

- Sunday: off
- FTPインターバル
- leg speed
- ウエット
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: hard
- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: upper zone 2
- 朝練はベランダで6時から子供が起きるまで(45〜60分)
- 夜練はベランダで子供が寝たから9時まで(60~90分)
- その以外は通勤(ラン、スノーシュー)&家のウエイト
build 1, week 1, 20 h, 760 TSS
- ビルド1ウイーク2
- ビルド1ウイーク3
- ビルド1ウイーク4(レスト)

This week was Build 1 Week 1.
Every week before starting out I plan a weekly training schedule in Training Peaks.
First, "When should I take a rest day?"
In this phase, I want to take one day off per week.
At the weekend I like to do one early "asaren" training activity and one day off. In a series of hard training weeks, Sunday is a good day to rest up before the next training load.
- Sunday: rest day
"What training to do?"
Working with a coach, we have identified the following to focus on at this time:
- FTP intervals
- leg speed
- weight training
Together these form the hard training days. It's important not to do these workouts on consecutive days.
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: hard training
All other training is upper zone 2 rollers and cross training.
- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: upper zone 2
"How many hours to train?"
In the Annual Training Plan, 20 hours are allocated to this week.
3 hours over 6 days and I'll be there or thereabouts.
In the summer this can be done easily with early morning asaren rides.
In the winter it becomes more of a puzzle.
- In the morning on the veranda I have 6 am till the kids wake up (45 to 60 mins)
- At night on the veranda I have from the kids falling to sleep till 9pm (60 to 90 mins)
- Other time is made up by commuting (running, snow shoes) and home weight training.
Every day I upload my activities to Training Peaks and track the weekly hours and TSS.
After Saturday morning's asaren I've completed this week's training.
build 1, week 1, 20 h, 760 TSS
Build 2 and 3 also target 20h. The point is to increase the intensity with a progressively increasing TSS.
I'll do my best and try to keep on track!
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: planning a training week, build 1 week 1
I always enjoy following the blog, thank you!
I have a question regarding cross/weight training TSS, how do you calculate it in your TrainingPeaks volume?
Any pointers would be appreciated!
Hi Tuomas,
Likewise, thank you! It's good to know someone is reading it!
For cross training etc, you can set up "HR TSS" in training peaks. This will also click in automatically if you ride without a power meter.
If you want to be really serious about it, you can tweak your HR zones for running (your HR when you run is usually a little higher than for cycling). If you swim, you can also do a swim TT to work out a non-HR "swim TSS"
I've only just started riding with a power meter again so most of December, January was HR TSS. Which I think is good enough for base training.
Power data becomes more important for intervals. Especially shorter ones.
Anyway, thanks for posting. If you need any more pointers, just shout.