base week
After a long and progressive build up to Tokyo~Itoigawa, it feels strange to be in a base week again.
It also seems so long since I did any kind of "hard training". However, I've learned not to fear fitness loss.
Last week was mostly zone 2. Listening to my body. Waiting waiting.
Later in the week as I became to feel fully recovered, I did some intervals, 3 × 15 mins at 95% FTP.
My coach commented that these were very "solid efforts". These kinds of workout will be the core of the next 3 weeks of "Build".
I also hope to ride the track at Yahiko on June 7th, so I did some specific training for that.
- Monday's training: Road (2 km TT prac) 3h
- Tuesday's training: Road (TT position, zone 2) 2h
- Wednesday's training: Road (Mt Ogami tempo pace) 4h
- Thursday's training: Rest (commute only) 30 mins
- Friday's training: Road (FTP 95% intervals) 4h 30
- Saturday's training: Rest
- Sunday's training: Rollers (speed intervals) 1h 15
weekly total 16h, 700 TSS
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