talking to the coach - build phase start

Here are the notes from Monday night's meeting with my coach:
FTP and power zones
Based on the recent FTP test, we have raised the FTP from 335 to 343 W. This is based on the average 361 W produced during the last 20 minute test.
The heart rate responded similarly to previous tests, so we will keep the heart rate zones the same. Power zones will be modified as follows:
1 Active Recovery 191 W (119HR)
2 Endu 192 - 260 W (120~145)
3 Tempo 261 - 311 W (146~164)
4 Lact T 312 - 363 W (165~183)
5 VO2 max 364 - 414 W (184+)
6 Anaerobic 415 -2000 W
FTP tests so far
March 6th was the 3rd FTP test
FTP test November 2014: 360 W (17 minutes)
FTP test February 2015: 357 W (20 minutes)
FTP test March 2015: 361 W 20minutes)
March FTP test analysis
This was the highest power value so far.
Power output was steady, around 358 to 360 W during the middle section. The variablity factor was "1", indicative of a steady effort.
In the first 5 minutes the heart rate rose to 172, 173 bpm. For the 10 minute middle section the heart rate was stable around 173, 174 bpm. In the last 5 minutes the heart rate rose to 181, 182 bpm. The average was 173 bpm.
This is a lower HR than February's FTP test (177, 178 bpm in the mid section, 184 bpm at the finish).
Higher power at reduced HR is pleasing. This is an important gain. (Temperature variations have to be considered: 3 degrees in February, 11 degrees in March).
An increase of 3, 4 watts is an increase of 1 %, which is very good over a one month preiod.
We are hoping for bigger gains after the next "build phase".
Training in the build phase 1
- Build 1 week 1 (12.5 h including race),week 2 (17.5 h), week 3 (17.5 h), week 4 rest (10 h)
The volume of training is the same for each week (week 1's volume is reduced to accomodate a B target race).
We will increase the intensity each week to produce a progressivly higher TSS.
Intensity will be increased with wokouts close to FTP.
specific workouts
- Type A: 2 × 20 mins at 85 ~ 90 % FTP (290 to 310 W), 5 mins R.I.
I will increase the FTP % each week.
- Type B: 2 × 15 mins at 90 ~ 95 % FTP (310 to 325 W), 5 mins R.I.
I will increase the FTP % each week. I will also increase the number of sets from 2 to 3 later in the build phase.
- Type C: 4 × 10 mins at 95 ~ 100 % FTP (325 to 345 W), 5 mins R.I.
- Type D: 8 mins at 100 ~ 105 % FTP (345 to 360 W)
These workouts will come later in the build phase.
plugging these workouts into the training week
It is possible to do intervals on consecutive days (intervals in the morning, a spin at night, intervals the next morning). However, I hope to have at least one day of easy riding between each day of intervals.
I will aim to do 2 to 3 interval sessions per week.
The total time spent on intervals (ie. "on" interval, close to FTP) should be around 2 hours per week.
All other training will be with the aim of "keeping up the volume". In essence, long rides in upper zone 2 (ex: 250 W, 145 HR). I think weekend rides with friends will be a good time to do this kind of training.
feedback on intervals
It is important that intervals are challenging. I should feel worked over after an interval session. If this is not the case, we will increase the intensity. Written feedback in Training Peaks is important for this.
using heart rate for intervals
Power is the best value for monitoring intervals. I will have the powertap for build 1 week 1. For build 1 weeks 2 and 3 I will have the stages.
We are not confident in the stages. We will use a target HR for intervals (but continue to collect stages data).
I am lucky that the intervals specific to my goals are relatively long at this stage. We can examine how the heart rate responds to power and plan intervals based on heart rate accordingly.
To this end, I will try the various intensities this week to collect some heart rate data.
It is likely that we won't be choosing a specific HR but a progression in heart rate during the interval.
For example, for yesterday's 10 minutes at 95 % FTP (325), I would build HR to 160 over 5 minutes and up to 165 bpm by the end.
training in race week
I have a race on Saturday. This would be the ideal build up:
Saturday: race
Friday: race prep, easy ride but raise the power through zones 2 and 3, short bursts at high intensity (however, time spent near to FTP should be minimalised), short bursts should represent the demands of the race (e: closing a gap).
Thursday: rest or easy spin
Wednesday: easy ride, no intervals
This week I will do intervals on Wednesday with the purpose of gathering some HR data. I may also switch the rest day from Thursday to Friday.
strategy for Tokyo Enduro
I will race with Hayakawa san. I'll do the first 2 hours, he'll do the second 2 hours.
I am feeling strong so I will ride near the front and try to go with any moves.
Most people have the same strategy, to try and gap the group before coming off. There will be advantages to following these wheels (even if not pulling off myself)
Before the race, I'll establish the numbering allocated to 2, 3 and 4 men teams.
It will be important to communicate. We should establish a place to stand and signals to give regarding laps before coming off etc.
I am enjoying my training more than ever and am really excited about this next training phase. Thanks always Coach!
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