endurance, strength & speed
In the preparation phase of my ATP (annual training plan), I'm focussing on three things:
1. endurance
cross training: stepping, swimming, running (snow shoes)
night time rollers count too
2. strength
I try to do strength work every 2 days.
Mostly low weight / high reps in this phase.
3. speed skills
Speed skill drills on the rollers. I am just starting to introduce these to my training.
Sunday's training:
Endurance: rollers z2 × 100 mins
Strength: 1 legged squats x 400 reps
Monday's training:
1. stepping machine z2 × 40 mins
2. rollers z2 × 70 mins
Tuesday's training:
Endurance: stepping machine x 80 mins
Strength: leg press machine x 20 reps building to max 140 kg (3 sets) = 240 total
Speed: Rollers high cadence intervals(30 mins)
Wednesday's training:
1. mountain run z2 × 60 mins
2. stepping machine z2 × 60 mins
Speed skills:
Rollers 1 legged intervals, high cadence intervals (70 mins)
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: endurance, strength & speed
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