winter training
I've made the shift. Morning to night. Asaren to yoruren. Outdoor to indoor (well on the veranda at least).
Aerobike at the gym with Nishihiro san on Friday night. Mr. Hillclimb Murayama san's staple menu. 180 W building to 300W.
It's hot in the gym. And the pedaling is hard (non-calibrated machines?). A few beers together afterwards are the reward.
Saturday night rollers. My staple menu. Build to 150 HR and keep. 200 squats before jumping in the bath.
Asaren on Sunday. More rollers building up to 150 HR. Yoruren too. Mostly in zone 2 (endurance 120 ~ 145 HR).
Friday's training: stepping & aerobike (90 mins)
Saturday's training: Rollers (60 mins) & free squats 40 × 5 sets (200)
Sunday's training: Rollers x 2 (120 mins)
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