the days are getting shorter
On the road at 430. It's dark. The days are getting shorter.
Asaren before the rain.
- Komura Pass. Mt. Ogami Dake. Sakurazaka Pass. 55 clicks. 1000 m up.
On the way home, clouds rolling in off the Japan Sea suggest rain is on the way.
The heavy rain comes late morning.
It eases off in the afternoon.
Riding home from work. The skies threaten again.
Best to stay close to home. A chance for some SFR hill climb repeats.
- R73 Shindou climb x 7 (50×21, 50×19, 50×18, 50×17, 50×15, 50×21, 50x? standing)
The heavens open on climb no.7. Race the rain home....
Wednesday's training: Road (100 km, 1,600 m climbing)
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