no turning back
When you get up for asaren, the first thing you feel is your head. Too many beers last night?
Then you feel your legs. Tired from yesterday's effort?
Then you look out of the window. Is it raining?
Not sure?
Go out onto the balcony. Check the sky over the mountains....
Beep, beep, beep. A mail from Nishihiro san. "I'm DNS".
Check the radar. Predicted rain movement. Looks okay.
Pick up the HRM. The HRM is like Superman's Cape. Once it's on... there's no turning back.
Out to Isonobe. The low clouds mean it's darker than usual. Street lights are still on. The wind is weaker too. No flags flapping today.
A bit of rain as I reach Takayanagi. Isonobe is in the clouds. The HR doesn't respond after yesterday's intervals. But I enjoy the climb. Enjoy the sensations.
- Isonobe x 1
The rain comes down heavy on the way home. But once home the ground is dry.
Shower. Breakfast. A change of cycling gear. A change of cycling shoes. Off to work.....
Drenched on the way home too...
Friday's training: Road (66 km, 550 m climbing)
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