komura intervals
After a rest day is a good time for intervals.
3 climbs of Komura Pass today.
- Climb 1: 40 s hard / 80 s easy x 7
In the saddle. A heavyish gear. Only time on the computer's display.
- Climb 2: 140~170 HR crisscross x 5
In the saddle. The first interval is always the hardest. It's a long hard effort to get the HR up. About 3 mins. After that it's 40 to 50s to raise it 30 beats.
- Climb 3: SFR (50 × 19,17)
SFR is best saved till last. Aim for 40 to 50 rpm. Concentrate on the effort. Use all the muscles to grind it out...
Wednesday: rest day
Thursday's training: Road (62 km, 850 m climbing)
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